Part 1
Let’s make this January all about goals - 4 weeks and 4 articles all focused on setting and going after our goals.
Let’s start with: GOALS - 10 STEPS TO SUCCESS
1) Write out your goal(s) - repeat this step at least once per day. This helps embed the goal(s) in your subconscious, stimulates creative thinking and ensures daily focus.
2) Challenge yourself:
How committed are you to achieving this goal?
Have you been aspirational and bold enough?
Have you challenged any self-limiting beliefs?
3) Share your goal to create accountability:
With your winning circle
With your coach and mentors
When/if you have a strong level of self-confidence, then go public - share your goals widely. I have found some people will look to knock you down, most offer ideas, support and positive energy!
Ensure you update your accountability partners regularly.
Embrace their ideas, feedback and challenges. Remember they want you to soar.
4) Create a process to break your goal down:
Use the GiFT631 1+3+6 process
Go big/SMUUT in terms of the 1
Set 3 sub-goals or milestones
Create your 6 next best actions
Take the first action
Be consistent - as Manny Martinez says, look for at least ‘one advance a day.’

5) Create some visual representations of your goal:
A vision board
Other visual reminders - place them where you see them frequently! The more there are, the more powerful it is.
Visualise - see yourself achieving your goal.
6) Pick a song that links to the goal (or create a playlist)
7) Schedule (time-block) time to focus on the goal:
Make sure it is when your energy is great.
Avoid interruptions or disruption
Make sure your phone/notifications are switched off or silent
8) Debrief on your actions to find improvement (both successful and otherwise)
9) Set clear milestones and celebration points.
10) Start!
Take immediate action.
Be consistent in taking goal focused actions.
Remove any downhill habits that prevent you being at your best/stop you focusing on your goal. Eg, if you want to run a 1/2 marathon, what do you eat and drink, and how time are you spending watching tv or scrolling through social media.